27-30 June 2017, Phuket, Thailand
ECTI-CON 2017, 27-30 June 2017, Phuket, Thailand
Latest Updates:
Dear authors, since the page numbers of ECTI-CON 2017 proceedings are not included in the thumb drive in the conference kit, if you need to find your page numbers, please have a look at . The file is temporary proceedings which can be given to your affiliation in urgent case, such as for your graduation or reimbursement.
We will give you the official proceedings soon after all mistakes from authors are corrected.
[23-June-17] The final program is now available.
[20-June-17] authors' requests to change presentation time.
We have received multiple requests in the past and were able to help arrange the presentation
schedules to accommodate the authors' requests. However, due to limited time left, we regret to
inform you that we will not be able make any schedule changes after tomorrow.
*** The technical program will be finalized today. The final version will be released tomorrow
and a request for any changes to the final program CANNOT be allowed. ***
[8-June-17] Student Travel Grants:
[10-May-17] Please be advised of the following corrections needed in your acceptance emails:
- At least one author MUST REGISTER for the conference before May 22, 2017.
(not April 3, 2017)
- The final manuscript MUST BE LIMITED to only 4 pages (not 6 pages).
Violating this limit WILL cause your paper being unpublished.
- The final manuscript, copyright form, and copy of e-mail response from IEEE PDF Express
MUST be uploaded to the www.ecti-con.org web site ONLY by May 22, 2017 (not April 30, 2017).
We do not accept any submission by e-mail or any other way.
We apologize for the mistakes sent out in the email.
[8-May-17] - The formal acceptance letters are being processed by TPC, all authors will receive shortly.
- For the authors who need a visa invitation letter, AFTER you make a registration,
please send an email with your paper ID and title to [email protected].
We will proceed your request as soon as possible.
[5-May-17] IEEE PDF eXpress is solved (Conference ID: 38636XP).
[3-May-17] Technical problem on IEEE PDF eXpress
[23-Jan-17] Call for paper (V.2) can be downloaded now (pdf and jpg).
[21-Jan-17] Submission site is closed for maintanance. It will be back to service on 1st February 2017.
[10-Jan-17] Submission site opened
[7-Jan-17] Conference site opened
ECTI-CON 2017 (IEEE Conference Record Number #38636) is the fourteenth
annual international conference organized by Electrical
Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information
Technology (ECTI) Association, Thailand. The conference aims to provide an
international platform to present technological advances, launch new ideas
and showcase research work in the field of electrical engineering,
electronics, computer, telecommunications and information technology.
Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of ECTI-CON 2017 and
will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore. Acceptance will be
based on quality, relevance and originality
1) Devices,
Circuits and Systems Important Dates:
Submission of Special Session Proposal: February 15, 2017 Special Sessions: A proposal for a special session can be submitted to the special session chair. The session topic can be varied upon one’s interest but still relate to Electrical Engineering/ Electronics, Telecommunication,.Computer and IT. Supports and Scholarship: Post graduate student whose paper is outstanding and has applied for the scholarship will be nominated for a partially supported scholarship. The grant is neither transferrable nor claimed in other forms. Best Paper Award: Paper with highest score will be nominated "Best Paper Award". Publication of Works All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore.